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ASSALAMUALAIKUM. Hello guys! Intro, Nurul Shakirah. Still studying. TiJB student as well. Im shorty girl :P Haha. Okay, many of you wondering right what am I going to do for my blogy. Nothing much for sure la, because I dont love writing actually. Haha. As for you all to know, my all published post is what just I want to share. That all. I'm not a copycat ok! Thanks for the reading. Enjoy your life with smile. See ya! Your sincerely, KYRA

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Manusia semakin hari semakin membesar. Ok, fine then. Tak kan mengecik pulak kan? Hihi. Semakin hari usia makin lanjut. Ok, fine! Tapi, sometime kan aku perhatikan remaja macam kite ni macam jarang jarang bercakap. Err. Faham tak ek? I means dislike nonsencial things. Aku pun sebenarnye macam tu jugak kot. Merepek sangat aku tak suke!

I cannot judged myself. Tepuk dada, tanya selera. Tapi ada jugak kind of human that begins to be quiet from an experienced. Maybe in theirs view, learn from experiences. Take the good lessons for future. It just a perhaps. Kadang-kadang kan kind human camni, boring boleh? (=.=') Siape je seh tak get bored? Cakap cikit.

Laaaaa. Nasib baik aku ni sabar orangnye. Tak pe kan kyra. Hehe. Aku ni dah la bising/kepoh/mulut murai. Haa. Hihi. Tapi, okey fine la! Reach puberty right? Okey then. Huh. (=.=')